DHS has issued a federal register notice that the Central American Minors Parole program is scheduled to be terminated. The notice states that DHS, “will no longer provide special consideration of parole for certain individuals denied refugee status in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras under the Central American Minors (CAM) Parole Program.”
The CAM program was created by the Obama administration in response to the 2014 surge of unaccompanied minors. The program granted minors from Central America refugee status in the U.S. The program was expanded to also allow parents, spouses, adult children and grandchildren to remain in the U.S. and made them eligible for residency, citizenship, and government benefits.
A spokesman for the USCIS told The Daily Caller, “The Acting Secretary of Homeland Security reviewed the Central American Minors (CAM) Parole program and decided to rescind the program…Effective immediately, USCIS will no longer consider or offer parole under the CAM Parole program.”
The termination will not affect those currently paroled in the program. They will remain on parole status until their period of parole is expired, "unless there are other grounds for termination of parole under DHS regulations.” USCIS has also said that they will notify those you have been conditionally approved but have not yet traveled to the U.S. that they will no longer qualify under the CAM program but can file for parole by filling out Form I-131, Application for Travel Document.
Read more on this story at The Daily Caller.
Updated: Wed, Aug 16th 2017 @ 9:46am EDT